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The Rabbi Sacks Book Prize


Rabbi Sacks Book Prize 2024

The Sacks-Herenstein Center is thrilled to announce the winner and finalists of the Rabbi Sacks Book Prize 2024, funded by the Rohr family.  

Winner: The Madwoman in the Rabbi's Attic: Rereading the Women of the Talmud  by Gila Fine  
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Gila Fine, .
The book is available for purchase through and .  

Finalist: Ethics of our Fighters: A Jewish View on War and Morality by Shlomo Brody  
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody, .
The book is available for purchase through  a²Ô»å .

Finalist: Human-Divine Interactions in the Hebrew Scriptures: Covenants and Cross-Purposes by Berel Dov Lerner
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Dr. Berel Dov Lerner, .
The book is available for purchase through and .  


Rabbi Sacks Book Prize 2023

Winner: Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After Its Creation, Has Israel Fulfilled Its Founders' Dreams? (Ecco, 2023) Dr. Daniel Gordis .
Dr. Daniel Gordis, Koret Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College, assesses how Israel measures up against its founders’ aspirations in Israel's Declaration of Independence. He discusses reasons for the establishment of the State, the flourishing Jewish and Israeli culture, the nation's economy, the Israeli-Arab conflict, the distinct form of Judaism that has emerged, and the nation's complex relationship with the Diaspora.
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Dr. Daniel Gordis, .
To purchase the book, .

Finalist: Questioning Belief: Torah and Tradition in an Age of Doubt (Koren, 2023) by Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, Dean of the London School of Jewish Studies. Rabbi Dr. Zarum presents thorough, reasoned responses, based on Torah and tradition, to some of Judaism's most challenging questions of belief, science and ethics.
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, .
To purchase the book, .

Finalist: Covenant and World Religions: Irving Greenberg, Jonathan Sacks and the Quest for Orthodox Pluralism (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization in association with Liverpool University Press, 2023) by Rabbi Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Founder and Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute. Rabbi Dr. Goshen-Gottstein analyzes the theological and social views of Rabbi Sacks and Rabbi Greenberg, as they advocated to change how Judaism sees world religions.
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Rabbi Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein, .
To purchase the book, . (discount code ADISTA5)


Rabbi Sacks Book Prize 2022 

Winner: Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation (Yale University Press, 2022) by Professor Daniel Matt.
A volume in Yale University Press’ Jewish Lives Series, Becoming Elijah traces how depictions of the prophet transform from the Bible to Rabbinic Judaism, Kabbalah and Jewish ritual. In a sophisticated, yet accessible manner, Matt, a scholar of Kabbalah, brings the prophet to life as he comprehensively chronicles the diverse references to Elijah from history and faith traditions. He explains how Elijah fills a need for hope and for justice; though his identity is variable, it is shaped by an ethical imperative that continues to inspire. 

To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Professor Daniel Matt about Becoming Elijah, 
To purchase the book .  

Finalist: A Guide for the Jewish Undecided: A Philosopher Makes the Case for Orthodox Judaism (Koren, 2022) by Professor Sam Lebens. 
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Professor Sam Lebens about A Guide for the Jewish Undecided
To purchase the book .

Finalist: Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility (Georgetown University Press, 2022) by Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner. 
To listen to a podcast conversation between Dr. Shira Weiss and Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner about Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility.
To purchase the book .

We congratulate all three authors whose books, diverse in genre and style, make impactful contributions to the field of contemporary Jewish thought.


From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

Dr. Daniel Gordis

to watch the recording of the event.

From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

Values in Conflict

Negotiating the Impossible: The Israeli Hostage Crisis

Dr. Daniel Gordis

to watch the recording of the event.

Negotiating the Impossible: The Israeli Hostage Crisis

From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

Dr. Daniel Gordis

to watch the recording of the event.

From Darkness to Light: Israel the Day After

Values in Conflict

Negotiating the Impossible: The Israeli Hostage Crisis

Dr. Daniel Gordis

to watch the recording of the event.

Negotiating the Impossible: The Israeli Hostage Crisis

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